Die liebe Uta Schiwi war so nett, die Entrelac-Aneitung ins Englische zu übersetzen – DANKESCHÖN!!


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Tunisian crochet: entrelac potholder with star centre

transcript/translation into English for Candi Rhynalds Smith by Uta Willer (amberschiwi on ravelry) June 2015. The original source is a youtube Video by Veronika Hug [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZAkHzgzIDU, “Tunesisch Häkeln – Entrelac-Topflappen mit Sternenmitte – Veronika Hug“].

The designer Ms Hug, owner of the copyright, has kindly agreed to the transcript/translation for Ms Smith on the basis that it doesn’t get distributed further – neither commercially or for free – without consulting her first.

first layer (baby blue) diamonds worked over 5 loops and 3 rows+slip stitch row

0:22 – 2:07

Make Magic ring, pull through one loop, make 1 ch. Work 10 sc into magic ring, pull tight so you have a circle, close circle with a slip stitch. ch 4 and pick up a loop from each of the 3 available ch sts, starting at second ch from the hook, then pick up 1 loop from the first sc in the ring; you have 5 loops on your hook.

**pull through 2 loops 4 times until you are left with 1 loop on the hook

2:08 – 2:58

*ch1, pick up 1 loop from the horizontal part of the next stitch (this is an increase to get the necessary angle of the diamond), then 3 loops from the vertical bars of the 3 sts; again you have 5 loops on your hook. Fasten off 2 loops at a time again (4 times, until you have 1 loop left).*    repeat sequence * to * once again

2:59 – 3:20

ch1, make a slip stitch into the vertical bars of each of the following 4 sts, including the first st.

first diamond is complete.

3:21 – 4:50

pick up 3 sts from the horizontally lying edge sts of the first diamond plus a loop from the second sc in the ring; you have 5 loops on your hook** repeat sequence ** to **.

4:50 – 7:20 repeat sequence ** to ** for another 8 times, finishing the last diamond after working the additional ch1 and the slip stitch into the first two stitches.

7:21 – 8:07

fold the star, right sides facing each other, and close the seam with slip stitches, cut yarn and slip through remaining stitch.

second layer (white) diamonds worked over 5 loops and 4 rows+slip stitch row

8:08 – 9:13

pull up loop with new yarn through any of the tips of the diamonds (the ch1) and pick up 1 loop each from the next 4 stitches. In the meantime you can weave in the end of the yarn on the wrong side by alternately going over and under it with the working yarn. again you have 5 loops on your hook.

{~}fasten them off 2 at a time as usual, then pick up 3 loops; for the 4th loop, go into the next stitch and the first stitch on the side of the next diamond. fasten off as usual by twos.

9:14 – 9:41

pick up 3 regular loops and one combined from the next stitch and the following stitch on the next diamond, fasten off as usual.

9:42 – 10:23

pick up 3 regular loops and one combined from the next stitch and the tip of the next diamond (9:58), fasten off as usual, ch1, work slip sts across the edge, working the last slip stitch as a combo into the last [white] loop and the first [baby blue] stitch on the other side of the diamond.{~}

10:24 – 15:08

repeat sequence {~} for all 10 gaps in the star, working an additional last slip stitch into the first white stitch of the first white diamond. cut yarn and slip through remaining stitch.

third layer (royal blue) diamonds worked over 6 loops and 5 rows+slip stitch row

15:09 – 16:01

pull up loop with new yarn through any of the tips of the diamonds (the ch1) and ch1. then pick up 1 loop each from the next 5 stitches [5th stitch being the inverted corner between two baby blue diamonds]. you have 6 loops on your hook. Again, save time by weaving in the end of the yarn on the wrong side.

{*}fasten the loops off 2 at a time as usual, then pick up 4 loops; for the 5th loop, go into the next stitch and the first stitch on the side of the next diamond. fasten off as usual by twos.

16:02 – 17:47

{**}pick up 4 regular loops and one combined from the next stitch and the following stitch on the next diamond, you have 6 loops, fasten off as usual. {**}

repeat sequence {**} to {**} another 3 times, working the last combined pick-up for the 6th loop into the ch1 of the white diamond.

ch1 and work sl stitches across the edge, again working the last [combined] slip stitch into both the last stitch of the edge and the ch1 of the white diamond [where you had already placed a regular stitch – you are not working into the first stitch on the other side of the diamond].

pick up 1 loop each from the next 5 stitches as established. you have 6 loops on your hook.{*}

17:48 – end:

repeat sequence {*} to {*} for each of the gaps, creating 10 royal blue diamonds.

This concludes the instructions for the potholder which now will only need a chain stitch loop.


to make a round blanket in this manner, you will have to increase the number of stitches and rows by one every now and again, but you will need to figure out whether it needs to be in every second layer or if you can get away with changing in every third layer.

Translate from Uta SchiwiEntrelac mit Sternenmitte